Available in paperback and Kindle

There is something about love that opens you wide, and exposes you to a level of vulnerability that is literally embarrassing. It seems to have a way of catching you off guard, red in the face, trying to pull all your stuff together, all the while hoping you don't look like a fool, and the very thing you try to hide is the thing that love chooses to expose.  There is something about love that makes you scream your secrets to the world, with your hand over your mouth. Intimate Things is my little book of muffled screams...of the excitement,  the newness, the longing, the passion, the angst of love.

This book has a knack for helping married people to simply remember what it was like in the beginning. It tends to take them back to that achy falling in love feeling. It takes them back to the time in their relationship before life began to happen, before the bills, and before the babies and emergencies. This book will make an excellent gift to a newlywed couple engaged couple, or as an anniversary gift. When women read this poetry to their men, things get interesting...One couple in particular got pregnant! Twice!

Give the gift of intimacy with Intimate Things, Poems of Love, About Love, and To Love 

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